So we got a new backpack for Ashlynn to ride around in. It is a nice backpack, but we figured we would use it with all of our kids. We liked this one ht best because ti had the best review AND because inside the backpack is a seat for her to sit in. It's not just a strap like harness that you let her dangle in. It's an actual seat! She's kinda small for it now but it will be nice for hiking and vacations and when Danny takes her shed hunting with him while I'm at work :)
Update....My sister Tasha reminded my that I didn't put what kind we got...and that's kinda important i guess so you all know. We got a Deuter Kid Comfort II. Danny definitely did his research and we got it on sale so that was nice too. Thanks Tash!
Boy, I don't know if Danny can look any happier. So inquiring minds want to know what brand you ended up getting. It was quite the facebook discussion :)